After many hours spent analyzing the facility needs of the Anaheim Union High School District, members of the Blueprint for the Future Committee heartily endorsed the idea of seeking a $249 million bond measure in November 2014.

The recommendation capped a month-long process during which members of the Blueprint Committee, which was comprised of students, parents, staff, and community members, assisted the District in developing priorities under the newly developed Facilities Master Plan, which will guide our future building projects. The Facility Master Plan process was transformed by this experience in democracy at the grass-roots level.

The good citizens who attended the meetings organized themselves around subtopics related to facilities including:

  • Student Learning

  • Technology for the Future

  • Safety and Security

  • Accountability and Finance

  • Energy Conservation and Sustainability

  • Facilities, Fields, and Outdoor Areas

For many community members, serving on the Blueprint Committee was their introduction to the world of school facilities and finance. The group reviewed a facilities needs analysis that showed that 70 percent of the buildings in the Anaheim Union High School District are in need of some level of repair. They received a “budget basics” presentation that served as an introduction to the AUHSD budget and school funding, as well as a “bond basics” presentation and information on how a bond measure would address priority needs.

After studying the issues and sharing their opinions, in the end they came to agreement in a Consensus Report that sets out priorities and recommendations for the Board of Trustees to consider when it votes in July whether to place a $249 million bond measure on the ballot.

Bond Documents